Do you want to become a member at Lannalodge? Send your expression of interest regarding membership form, golf ID and contact details to info@lannalodge.se We will get back to you with information about the capacity we have in the membership form you requested.
Remember the wellness option. All who plays golf at Lannalodge have an extra advantage. The entire amount you pay applies as the game fee and you can therefore use the entire amount as health care. Read more about golf and health care allowance here.
All new members and all changes in a membership has to fill out a new agreement and submit it to reception in original form. This also applies to direct debit agreements. Alla membership changes must be at our disposal by the end of January before the coming season. No changes are registered until the original agreement is received.
Important when paying by direct debit. Vid uppgradering eller om du lägger upp avgiften på autogiro efter den 28 februari så dras avgifterna för de månader som passerat i samband med första dragningen från ditt konto. Första dragningen sker i februari aktuellt år och sista dragningen sker den 28 november samma år då autogirodragningarna är uppdelat på 10 månader. För autogiro tillkommer en administrativ avgift på 20 kr/månad som täcker klubbens kostnader för Sitra (autogiroprogrammet) Förseningsavgift på 200 kr tas ut om inte fakturor betalas i tid. Ansökan om autogiro görs via Min Golf.
Senior | Junior | ||
Lodge Member | 20,770 | Knatte 0-12 | 1,595 |
VIP Member | 15,990 | Junior 13-21 | 2,595 |
Exclusive Member | 10,080 | Exclusive Junior | 8,495 |
Member Par 3 | 4,735 | ||
Greenfee Member | 1,195 |
The fee is paid through Min Golf.
Golf bag locker | |
Large golf bag locker | 990 |
Small golf bag locker | 745 |
Small locker | 375 |
Charging station battery | 1065 |
The fee is paid through Min Golf.
Lannalodge is different from an ordinary golf club. We have decided that your entire annual fee will go towards maintenance, improvements and development of the golf course. A regular golf club must allocate the annual fee to salaries for administration, club manager and Pro, and of course maintenance of the golf course. Improvements and development of the golf course and maintenance machines are often held back in a golf club because there is not enough money for it. Lannalodge has chosen a different path. Alla salary costs for reception and administration is being paid by the hotel business. Every SEK you as a golfer pay in annual fees goes therefore directly to the golf course. We can therefore develop and improve the golf course at a completely different pace than normal golf clubs.
Lannalodge golfresort is a privately owned golf facility that is connected to the Swedish golf Association via an A1 agreement. This agreement gives us the same obligations as an M1 club but fewer rights. Lannalodge golfresort does not have any voting rights at SGF. Our members are affected in such a way that, as a representative of Lannalodge golfresort you may NOT receive the National Sports Confederations's sign, as only non-profit clubs can be members of the National Sports Confederation. Therefore you do not receive a medal when participating in the Individual DM and SM, as it is the National Sports Confederation who awards the medals. Lannalodge golfresort may not participate in Team DM, JSM Club Team or Team SM for men and women.

Johanna Gustavsson
Hampus Bergman
Mimmi Bergman
Oscar Bergman
William Leu
Johan Wigertz